Why Ex’s Should Remain Ex’s

Sandra Dahl
5 min readJun 10, 2024

How many times have you ever thought about going back to an ex? Have you done it? In my experience, it’s a bad move. Read more to find out why.

Most people site love as the most important factor in relationships. Have you ever wondered why (most) arranged marriages last longer than regular relationships? The two people may or may not even know each other at all, so cannot love each other, but they build a relationship based off of learned respect and trust, and then love eventually grows.

Love can make us do crazy things, but have you ever considered that respect and trust play just as important a role? I think a main factor in people going back to their ex’s (aka “bad relationships”), is because they figure they still love that person, but they don’t have the trust or the respect for that person.

Take for example a relationship where one partner is being abused. From my experience, I’ve only seen the side of the woman being abused. Some of my family members have been in relationships like this, and I myself have been down the same road. Now in a lot of cases, (when kids are not involved), going back to an abusive relationship involves the person having low self-worth and low self-esteem. Maybe they had a bad childhood and not many examples of good relationships growing up. Or, maybe their ex was their only form of support. Perhaps the abused person is too scared to get a job and try to support themselves, and/or they have no way to start. (i.e. no family support system). This is a vicious cycle and the only…



Sandra Dahl

My name is Sandra, and I started my online presence as a content creator on Youtube. I have two channels now and also a Blog on my website at www.sandradahl.ca.