The Things That Keep Me Up At Night

Sandra Dahl
8 min readMay 24, 2022

Disclaimer: This article is a list of some of the things that terrify me, so if you are sensitive to that, please do not read.

Sometimes I find myself laying in bed, listening for all the creaks and weird noises the house makes when everything is still and quiet. Maybe if you are single and don’t have kids, you grow used to these noises over time. They scare me, and I start imagining all the things that could be happening. Maybe someone is trying to break into my house? Maybe my ceiling is leaking? Maybe the dryer has caught fire and my house is going to burn down.

Before I had kids was WAY different than after kids. Before, I only had myself to worry about, and I seemed to be so much more carefree and I lived more in the moment than I find myself doing now. I actively have to remind myself to live in the moment now. I also actively talk myself out of thinking of some of the things I’ll share with you today.

Some of these things stemmed from dreams, or from my beliefs, but most, similar to phobias, are simply irrational fears that I can’t talk myself out of being scared of. My phobias are a good place to start, and I only have two of those. The first, is spiders. I used to simply kill them if they were in the house. Now, I really do try to take them outside and let them go. I’m highly cognizant of the value for life and that all life serves a purpose on this Earth. BUT, it is so difficult for me to overcome this irrational fear of the eight-legged creatures. I know in my head they won’t bite…



Sandra Dahl

My name is Sandra, and I started my online presence as a content creator on Youtube. I have two channels now and also a Blog on my website at