Personal Development: The Struggle With Time

Sandra Dahl
4 min readMay 13, 2024

The struggle is real: twenty four hours sometimes feels like it’s hardly enough time to do anything at all. When we’re young, time seems endless, like an eternity. When I had summer break, I felt like it was the entire summer. Now I know it’s a measly 60 days and it comes and goes so quickly.

As an adult, I get anxious knowing how fast time passes. Sometimes I panic, thinking of all the things I still want to do and still haven’t done. I can’t even place the time when my thought patterns changed. It’s like one second I was young, strong, able to do anything it seemed and I never had these thoughts about getting older or not having enough time to do the things I wanted to do with my life. Now, I’m older, (maybe wiser), in pain, weaker, and now I worry about how much time I have left to do fun things and more importantly, how much time I have left on this planet with my kids.

Thinking more narrowly now, when you think that we have 24 hours in a day, and six to nine of those hours are used for sleeping, we really don’t have much time past our obligations. (I always underestimate how much time errands take, for example). When you finally get past all the things you need to do, when do you find time for yourself? Here I mean self-care, fun past times, hobbies and learning. I guess I also mean not learning for the sake of getting a better job (i.e you’re going to college so you can get your dream job, although that’s still personal/professional development). On that note, professional development is still personal…



Sandra Dahl

My name is Sandra, and I started my online presence as a content creator on Youtube. I have two channels now and also a Blog on my website at